
  • Latin American Criminal Justice Project
    School of Law
    The goal of this project is producing knowledge that can be used by researchers and policy-makers about how Latin American criminal justice systems are actually working.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Ingrid Eagly
    (Updated: Apr 26 2023)
  • Andean Lab
    College of Letters and Science: Social Sciences
    The Andean Lab has conducted work in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes and currently has projects in the Cuzco area. Current lab projects include Central Coast Textile Dyes, Wari Ceramics, Inca Funerary Landscapes, Inca Vilca Consumption, Inca Women and Feather Art, and community development.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Stella Nair
    (Updated: Apr 28 2023)
  • Human Rights Publications from Memoria Abierta
    UCLA Library
    The Modern Endangered Archives Program of UCLA funds the digitization of publications written by Memoria Abierta, an alliance of nine Argentinean human rights organizations, most of which were created during the last dictatorship (1976-1983) to denounce violations of that time and to support victims and relatives.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Rachel Deblinger
    (Updated: Oct 17 2023)
  • Local Archives of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo
    UCLA Library
    The Modern Endangered Archives Program of UCLA funds the surveying and creation of an inventory The Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo’s archival materials. It remains an active organization with over forty years of work advocating and searching for the kidnapped children during the last military dictatorship in Argentina.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Rachel Deblinger
    (Updated: Oct 17 2023)
  • Film Censorship in Argentina
    UCLA Library
    The Modern Endangered Archives Program of UCLA funds the surveying, identification, and cataloging the Museo del Cine Pablo Ducrós Hicken’s clippings collection. In particular, the project will focus on documenting materials related to the Ente de Calificación Cinematográfica.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Rachel Deblinger
    (Updated: Oct 26 2023)
  • Archivo Amé
    UCLA Library
    The Modern Endangered Archives Program of UCLA funds the curation of the mostly unknown visual archive of Bautista Amé who was born in Italy but worked in the small town of Ingeniero Luiggi, Argentina. The archive is estimated to contain 50,000 documents including photographs, paper documents, and equipment.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Rachel Deblinger
    (Updated: Oct 26 2023)
  • The Forgotten Life and Papers of Alejandro C. Del Conte
    UCLA Library
    The Modern Endangered Archives Program of UCLA funds the digitization of the photographic and filmic work of Alejandro Del Conte. The archive includes personal documents, landscape and architecture photography in various formats, albums, diaries and correspondence, as well as materials related to his professional activity.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Rachel Deblinger
    (Updated: Oct 27 2023)

Archived Projects/Programs

UCLA Study Abroad

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  • Human Rights and Cultural Memory
    Rising from past military dictatorships, Argentina and Chile are models in social, political, and cultural reinvention. Observe, experience, and compare both countries as you travel from Buenos Aires to Santiago.


  • Immigration And Identity: Asia In South America
    Open the door to unexplored cultural riches in Buenos Aires. Through the lens of history, see how Asian immigrant communities enriched the landscape of the region.


  • Spanish: Taking it to the Streets - Community Service, Human Rights, and Tango
    Experience total immersion in the rich cultural resources, vibrant social life, and political activities of Buenos Aires. You will visit historical sites, museums, tango milongas, famous theaters, and observe political demonstrations.


  • Universidad Torcuato di Tella Law School
    UCLA School of Law partners with Universidad Torcuato di Tella Law School in Buenos Aires, Argentina to provide a foreign exchange program for their students. Law classes are taught in Spanish. There are approximately 90 courses offered each year. Some course offerings include Administrative Law, Competition Law, and Environmental Law.


  • Global Affairs: Internships in Buenos Aires
    Buenos Aires is the hub of the country and offers a fast-paced backdrop to work and life. It is a great destination for people who are drawn to the hustle and bustle of big cities, who are comfortable navigating city life, and who are excited by metropolitan, apartment building living.


  • Political Science: Internships in Buenos Aires
    Buenos Aires is the hub of Argentina and offers a fast-paced backdrop to work and life. It is a great destination for people who are drawn to the hustle and bustle of big cities, who are comfortable navigating city life, and who are excited by metropolitan, apartment building living.


  • Public Affairs: Internships in Buenos Aires
    Buenos Aires is the hub of the country and offers a fast-paced backdrop to work and life. It is a great destination for people who are drawn to the hustle and bustle of big cities, who are comfortable navigating city life, and who are excited by metropolitan, apartment building living.



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  • 2022-23: 5 students

    Human Rights and Cultural Memory: 5 students

  • 2019-20: 6 students

    Immigration and Identity: Asia in South America: 1 student

    Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University: 2 students

    Human Rights and Cultural Memory, Buenos Aires & Santiago: 3 students

  • 2018-19: 15 students

    Latin American Studies, National Univ. of Tres de Febrero: 3 students

    Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University: 5 students

    Human Rights and Cultural Memory, Buenos Aires & Santiago: 7 students

  • 2017-18: 14 students

    Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University: 8 students

    Human Rights and Cultural Memory, Buenos Aires & Santiago: 6 students

  • 2016-17: 14 students

    Latin American Studies, National Univ. of Tres de Febrero: 5 students

    Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University: 9 students

  • 2015-16: 23 students

    Latin American Studies, National Univ. of Tres de Febrero: 5 students

    Spanish Intensive Language, Torcuato Di Tella University: 7 students

    Human Rights and Cultural Memory, Buenos Aires & Santiago: 11 students

  • 2014-15: 19 students

    Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Belgrano: 11 students

    Latin American Studies, National Univ. of Tres de Febrero: 8 students

  • 2013-14: 12 students

    Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Belgrano: 8 students

    Latin American Studies, National Univ. of Tres de Febrero: 4 students

  • 2012-13: 5 students

    Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Belgrano: 4 students

    Latin American Studies, National Univ. of Tres de Febrero: 1 student

  • 2011-12: 2 students

    Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Belgrano: 2 students

  • 2010-11: 4 students

    Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Belgrano: 4 students

  • 2009-10: 1 student

    Intensive Spanish Language, Univ. of Belgrano: 1 student

  • 2021-22: 6 students

    Global Affairs Global Internship Program: 1 student

    Political Science Global Internship Program: 2 students

    Public Affairs Global Internship Program: 3 students

Defining Terms


  • The projects and programs on this map constitute our “global data.” We define global data to be information related to “global topics” such as events, activities, and geographical areas outside of the United States. Any project or program conducted in an area outside of the United States is included on the map, as it speaks to UCLA’s direct engagement with the global community. Even if a project or program is conducted domestically, it is included as long as it engages with one or more global topics.

  • To collect data for the Projects/Programs map, we survey faculty on their research pursuits. We also explore UCLA websites such as faculty profiles, research centers, and department pages to learn about past and ongoing projects. We periodically review our data, archiving and removing projects and programs that have concluded or expired.

Study Abroad

  • Click here for the International Education Office’s explanation of UCLA’s various Study Abroad Programs.

  • To collect data on Study Abroad Programs, we explore both UC Education Abroad Programs (UCEAP) and UCLA websites to find information on opportunities offered at or through UCLA.


  • International Collaboration comprises memoranda of understanding (MOUs), collaboration agreements (CAs), affiliation agreements (AAs), and student exchange agreements. Click here for UCLA Global’s explanation of these terms.

  • We source this data from the UCLA Global database of international academic agreements.


  • Here, “Students” refers to International Students as well as Study Abroad students.


  • Visitors are guests whose visits are coordinated by the International Visitors Bureau (IVB). Click here for more information.

  • We source this data directly from the IVB.

As a land grant institution, the International Institute at UCLA acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (Los Angeles basin, Southern Channel Islands).

Equity, diversity and inclusion are essential values of the UCLA International Institute. These professed ideals enable us to provide the kind of broad, global, multicultural educational experience central to the Institute’s academic programs. We welcome faculty, staff, and students from all backgrounds and want everyone at the Institute to feel respected and valued. We are committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion for our students, staff and faculty in our academic programs and centers, as well as on our campus.

The Institute is proud of its over 60-year legacy in preparing individuals who have gone on to make contributions to the business, nonprofit, government and education sectors. As a gateway to the world for the campus and the greater Los Angeles community, the Institute considers equity, diversity and inclusion essential to its mission of educating global citizens and preparing them for a multicultural world and collaborative problem solving.

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