Studies in Near Eastern Culture and Society

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

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Richard G. Hovannisian and David N. Myers, ed., Enlightenment and Diaspora: The Armenian and Jewish Cases (Scholars Press, 1999), ISBN: 0788506048

A. Reza Sheikholeslami, The Structure of Central Authority in Qajar Iran, 1871-1896 (Scholars Press, 1997), ISBN: 0788503235
Rubina Peroomian, Literary Responses to Catastrophe: A Comparison of the Armenian and the Jewish Experience (Scholars Press, 1993), ISBN: 155540894X, 1555408958

Avedis K. Sanjian, ed.,  David Anhaght, The 'Invincible' Philosopher (Scholars Press, 1986), ISBN: 0-555400671, 055540068X

Louis Awad, ed., The Literature of Ideas in Egypt (Scholars Press, 1986), ISBN: 1555400655, 1555400663

James J. Reid, Tribalism and Society in Islamic Iran, 1500-1629 (Undena, 1983), ISBN: 089003124X, 0890031258

George A. Bournoutian, Eastern Armenia in the Last Decades of Persian Rule, 1807-1828: A Political and Socioeconomic Study of the Khanate of Erevan on the Eve of the Russian Conquest (Undena, 1982), ISBN: 0890031231, 0890031223

Richard G. Hovannisian, ed., The Armenian Image in History and Literature (Undena, 1981), ISBN: 089003088X

Emilie Savage-Smith and Marion B. Smith, Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth-Century Divinatory Device (Undena, 1980), ISBN: 0890030383

Ismail K. Poonawala, Biobibliography of Isma`ili Literature (Undena, 1977)