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Korean Studies Conference Support Grant

Student Support

Photo for Korean Studies Conference Support Grant

The Korean Studies Conference Support Grant supports UCLA Ph.D. students to present Korean studies-related research at academic conferences and events.

Korean Studies Conference Support Grant

The Korean Studies Conference Support Grant supports UCLA Ph.D. students to Present Korean studies-related research at academic conferences and events. All currently enrolled UCLA doctoral students presenting papers with a Korean Studies focus are eligible to receive this support.

Students are also encouraged to apply to other sources of conference funding with their home departments and divisions, especially UCLA graduate division ($1,000)'s doctoral Student Travel Grants:

Please complete this application for approval:    

Application form

  • Current level of support: $500 
  • Application window: rolling basis, first come first serve 
  • Availability: depends on available funds each year 
  • Eligibility requirements: 
    • Currently enrolled UCLA Ph.D. student
    • Conference presentation in Korean Studies
  • Required information (please complete form with)
    • Identifying information: Name, Department, Year, Field 
    • Completed questionnaire: regarding existing support 
    • Evidence of conference participation (uploaded document: inclusion in Conference Program, or copy of invitation letter) 

How the Korean Studies Conference Support Grant works: 

  1. Students submit required information and documents via form: 
  2. Students will be notified of approval if: 
    1. The application meets eligibility requirements
    2. There is enough funding available for the current fiscal year (funding availability depends on available funds allocated for this purpose each year by the CKS)
  3. After the conclusion of the conference, students with approval then send reimbursement requests up to $500 via e-mail to Dr. Hyung-Wook Kim, Assistant Director of CKS, cc: Professor Sixiang Wang ( 


Published: Friday, October 28, 2022